[][src]Trait gf::support::lattice::Bottom

pub trait Bottom: Sized {
    fn bottom() -> Self;
fn is_bottom(&self) -> bool; fn to_option(self) -> Option<Self> { ... }
fn reset_to_bottom(&mut self) { ... } }

A type that has a designated bottom element, ⊥.

Blanket implementations

Required methods

fn bottom() -> Self

Return the bottom element, ⊥.

fn is_bottom(&self) -> bool

Test whether self is ⊥.

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Provided methods

fn to_option(self) -> Option<Self>

Convert ⊥ to None and all other elements to Some.

fn reset_to_bottom(&mut self)

Reset self to ⊥.

The default implementation assigns self to what bottom returns. In many cases, a more efficient implementation is possible.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<T> Bottom for Option<T>[src]

impl<A: Bottom, B: Bottom> Bottom for (A, B)[src]

impl<A: Bottom, B: Bottom, C: Bottom> Bottom for (A, B, C)[src]

impl<T: Bottom> Bottom for Arc<T>[src]

impl<T: Bottom> Bottom for Box<T>[src]

impl<T: Bottom> Bottom for Rc<T>[src]

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impl<'a> Bottom for ConcolicState<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Bottom for SymbolicState<'a>[src]

impl<'a, A, V, S> Bottom for State<'a, A, V, S> where
    V: Bottom + Clone + Eq,
    S: Clone + SpaceState<A, V>, 

impl<K: Clone + Hash + Eq, V: Clone + Eq + Bottom> Bottom for HashLattice<K, V>[src]

impl<L: Top> Bottom for Flip<L>[src]

impl<T: Clone + Eq + Bottom> Bottom for VarState<T>[src]

impl<T: Eq> Bottom for FlatLattice<T>[src]

impl<T: Eq> Bottom for PosetLattice<T>[src]

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